3 Ways to use Frozen Pineapple

Iced treats are a great way to cool off in this scorching heat and when humidity is at its worst. Fruit based frozen treats are flavorsome and at the same time guilt-free too. Tropical fruits are definitely my most preferred fruits for making fruit based recipes. If you don’t want to have fruits right awayContinue reading “3 Ways to use Frozen Pineapple”

Cheesy Potatoes and Spinach on Toast

This again is a very quick and easy recipe to prepare. Fried potatoes give it a much more different taste along with sauteed spinach and gooey mozzarella cheese and cream. All ingredients blend really well with each other and barely requires any cooking time. It is a perfect breakfast delight. Feel free to adjust theContinue reading “Cheesy Potatoes and Spinach on Toast”

Homemade Oatmeal Chocolate Bars

Sweet. Crunchy. Chocolatey. Orangey.. All these things packed in one Chocolate Bar and that too easily made at home with very simple ingredients. Roasted Oatmeal gives it the required crunchiness in every bite combined with the slight sweetness of condensed milk. It is definitely an interesting plus healthy sweet delight! As known to all, oatmealContinue reading “Homemade Oatmeal Chocolate Bars”

Yellow Lentil Savory Bites

Eating lentils (dal) everyday can get really monotonous and boring food in the Indian household, especially with children. It is very difficult to make them eat healthy foods. That is when imagination comes in. These savory bites are completely a different form of your regular dal. They are super soft, easy to make and completelyContinue reading “Yellow Lentil Savory Bites”